Franchise news for daily rental apartments

Franchising in the daily rent apartments

My name Sikorsky Timur, I’m doing the delivery for rent apartments in Kiev and promotion areas, “Apartments for rent” in other cities of Ukraine, according to the franchise system since 2006. I am the owner of the company «Arenda-Group». If you are reading this article, I hope that you are already familiar with the previous two (analysis and cost of apartment rent), laid out in the “News Franchises” on the website of the company «Arenda-Group», as this is a continuation of the text. It turns out that we have with you, there is one common interest – namely, you want to take apartments for rent, and I can help you become a successful owner of this business in the franchise rights. But let us all – in order.

The financial aspect of any undertakings, each drop makes jokes aside and ultimately focus on the benefits and costs. Let us more detail on the points of our cost estimates in the business of daily rent apartments for the franchise.

Education and training – is nothing else but your additional, practical, higher education in commerce, but to a much greater part adapted to the realities of the present day, with the most-detailed coverage of all the nuances in the apartment rent for the franchise. By the way, a lot of questions that you will receive our answer – in the universities of Ukraine business, unfortunately, are not covered, even for a five-year period of training applicants. Having an internship, you will get hands-on experience that you need for an independent business development.

Search apartments – is part of your future activities relating to contracts of sublease for a long time at the landlord. Taken sublet the apartment, after bringing them in order – shall have you – daily.

The road to success with Arenda GroupAdvertising Campaign – aims to attract and ensure a steady flow of customers. High demand for rental service apartment for rent – guarantees you a profit.

On your maintenance costs of apartments – these are your expenses, including payment of the maids cleaning, preventative maintenance, the cost of utilities, etc. Information support, advice, and methodology in the business of daily rent of apartments you get on the franchise agreement after signing it and make you a lump-sum payment.

Why do we enter into a franchise agreement?

– What is a franchise?

– What features of the franchise agreement?

Franchise – franchise contract object, the complex benefits, consisting of rights to use the brand and the business model of the franchisor, and other goods required for building and running a business. As a franchise – may make business practices, trademark, technology with mutual obligations and benefits between the transmitting (franchisor) and the recipient (the franchisee) the parties, provided for payment and executed in accordance with the law on protection of intellectual property. ” – Such a definition you can read in the specialized scientific literature. A franchise contract must be enclosed in the case, if you want to save your time, nerves and money, “getting your” own cones at the opening of business (whether it’s apartments for rent on the franchise or other business) and instead to work on streamlined experience and time finished system provided to you.

Franchising – a partnership of this kind, where one party (the franchisor), which is the owner of a successful business, including popular brand, has in its arsenal of valuable trade secrets, good reputation, allows the other party (the franchisee) to use the creation of its business scheme on specific string, toll conditions.

Duties of the copyright owner (franchisor) to transfer user (franchisee) the existing technical and commercial documentation, website, or other information that is necessary for the proper exercise of the rights granted to him under the contract concluded franchise and the franchisor must inform franchisees and employees on issues related to implementation of his contractual rights.

The user or the franchisee is obliged to:
1. To use the trademark and / or other designation of the franchisor (owner) spelled out in the franchise agreement means;
2. Pay (franchise) in the amount and terms specified in the agreement;
3. To ensure an appropriate level of service quality to the end user, not lower than similar services provided by the right holder;
4. Do not divulge trade secrets provided for by the franchisor or that obtained under a franchise agreement confidential information.

Do you have the desire to start their own business – I need – to share their knowledge, experience, methodology and practical experience. As you can well understand, it just did not happen in this life. I, too, am not an exception, and by teaching you something, to have spent years of their lives, and continue to spend your personal time by providing you with a promising, profitable business – expect to get in return for financial reward. Our mutually beneficial cooperation in the business of daily rent apartments – will be governed by the franchise agreement.

The financial aspects of the franchise agreement.
What is the lump-sum payment and royalties?
-Why Pay them?
-And Do not pay – it is possible?

Lump-sum payment – the price – one-time fee for access to the business, (not exceeding 5000doll for the majority of cities in Ukraine.), You pay me for what I will teach all the tricks of daily rent in your city, helping to cope with all the difficulties, that may arise in the process of adapting to a new job for you. In this case, all payments current account (for advertising, staff salaries, etc.), for certain services that you experience as your business management – are your current expenses, and the price of lump-sum fee not included. Royalties (English royalty.) – Material compensation for the use of patents, copyrights, – monthly payment that you pay, doing business in “apartments for rent” in your town, in which I created and proven in practice business models. The amount of royalties stipulated in the contract, and can not be raised without good reason, is not more than 100doll in monetary terms. for the majority of cities in Ukraine.

Here at this point you should have doubts …
– Why did I have to believe all this?

-And If the scheme – a utopia?
-Who Is the guarantee that everything really will work?
And What if I read on the subject information from you on the Internet – and to do it all, saving money on lump-sum payment and royalties?

…. These are the questions that you naturally have to occur.

And again in order!

1) The best test of the profitability of the business of daily rent – there is monitoring. Through the media, you can find out the rental price for a long time, and cost of an apartment per day in your city, to compare them, to calculate the difference. Decide for yourself whether it makes sense (what% ROI) study this direction or not.

2) The company ArendaGroup – successful agency an apartment for rent, provides services for the delivery of apartments for rent without intermediaries. The advantages of doing business for the franchiseIn existence since of 2006, the current site of the company (previously called 2009- 2013.) Confirms the information that can be found in the statement of the state register of entrepreneurs (the date of the official registration of the private entrepreneur – 2009), or a copy extract, lined in the relevant section on the company website ArendaGroup. All this indicates sufficient age company and its functionality in the daily rental market. Company ArendaGroup – the leader in the segment of daily rent, as you can see, having your own research (call us, you really can take off an apartment for rent, not just listen to the sweet story about a profitable business). Since ArendaGroup company – a successful company, and it is our experience – working in real time – the “here and now”, therefore, you do not throw “good money after bad.” We want you to be the best in the city, since it adds weight to our reputation in the market and an additional source of permanent income (monthly receive royalties) If you are not working properly, – you are not with what we pay royalties, we are with you nothing divide – that is unprofitable for you and for us.

3) guarantee your success in the final, finally, are you just as we can only be successful and a good example of income on daily rent apartments. Before making your decision, whether you fit this kind of business or not, you will have the opportunity to pass a two-day training overview in Kiev, to see that it really works.

4) What if you do own apartments for rent? Without any franchises, franchisor, rules, lump-sum payment and royalties?

You really can learn a lot about the business from the Internet.

… Plus, you definitely will be saved money for the franchise and the payment of royalties. … Intangible factors – will be able to say to yourself and to all your friends – “I am my own boss, Uncle do not work, no I’m not a decree”. Perhaps, at this, the benefits of independence and an end.

Let’s talk about the disadvantages of the decision to open their own business daily rent apartments.

… I have six years left on to become the best in Poltava (namely, where I started, competitors are not sitting idly by, it was hard to try everything from “scratch”), and build-established system that works like a clock. How long will it take you? A sdyuzhil?

On the other hand, work on a franchise will allow you to become the same as I am, a successful leader of daily rent apartments in your city, just a year and a half! The fee for this – $ 5,000. For how long you can earn yourself these 5000dollarov business franchise? Answer – five – six months, using my work patterns. Combine them to 15 months payback business apartment for rent on the franchise system – it turns out less than two years old !!! That’s not counting the money spent, who – may be thrown idle on the adoption of wrong decisions. Compare now with my spent six years of trial and error. How many, 5000doll. for wasting an average of half a year of my time on you? Despite the fact that I and so I can earn money by renting an apartment for rent? It turns out – your 5000dollarov – are less than the cost of my time spent on you vremeni

… .Now Royalties .. $ 100 – a maximum of 10% of your net income, and there is a fee for which I attach so much effort. 50% of the money received from the royalties, I plan to invest in the development of Arenda-Group network, which promises you a strategic advantage, and I – development, by connecting new partners Arenda-Group companies. What is the benefit of this for you? A) Development of the network, implies a permanent, free for you to update and modernize the transferred to you site. B) Attracting corporate clients, dedicated network Arenda-Group, and not wanting to work with someone alone. B) Distribution of corporate actions on you discounts on advertising and suppliers for bulk purchasing, providing you with everything you need. D) Information support. To solve the legal and any other matters as easily communicated and consulted each other within the framework of Arenda-Group campaign than alone. D) Plus – again, saving your time on the implementation, development and monitoring of new products in the field of Business Daily. This whole set of measures – I do this for you for free and for themselves. Because if you want to be the best – to someone, you need to engage in active development of the business of daily rent apartments – all the time, throughout the existence of the business, rather than a one-time, at the stage of a startup. And someone may use the constantly updated useful ideas in daily rent paid by the franchisor for a disproportionately small amount of money, they spent relatively effortlessly.

… Obey the regulations and internal regulations of Arenda-Group. Is this bad? Being addicted? The rules and requirements of Arenda-Group – aimed at the preservation and improvement of the established standards of apartment rent for the franchise, the observance of corporate ethics, quality of services, and support a positive image campaign. No other restrictions does not exist! In other words, your right and nobody anywhere does not infringe! You – the entrepreneur! Business – in your city – yours! Rules – the same for all, for you, franchisee and franchisor for me-. We – the partners associated partnership agreement on cooperation with the prescription of your rights and obligations in the contract of franchise for daily rent apartments.

Therefore, you hold all the information about the business of daily rent apartments for the franchise needed to make a decision you able to turn your life. You can engage in daily rent apartments – self. If you wish to become a full partner of Arenda-Group – I will be glad to the new member of our young, developing campaigns! Do you have questions – call the phone numbers listed on the website of Arenda-Group – profile contacts.

Sincerely, Timur Sikorski.


Author: Сикорский Т.А.

Published: April 19, 2016