Franchise news for daily rental apartments

Business analysis of daily rent for the franchise

In this article, we briefly review the stages of the origin and development of the daily rent apartments. And now – a small excursion into the history of the development of business daily rent. Hotels and short term rent, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, did not immediately took to the stage of active development. For a long time this business existed in the enclosed space of limited circle of people, due to lack of information about it, and the existing stereotype of large investments.

Apartments for rent - FranchiseIt was believed that in order to rent an apartment for rent, it is necessary to immediately purchase or borrow, and then to lease, sublease while no one seriously considered. During 1998-2005g – those who took a chance and rented a residential building for the creation of a hotel complex, and apartments on credit, with the possibility of subsequent repeating – have won the jackpot. Apartments for rent, its pioneers, as soon as possible bring profits. Loans for apartments, taken under the daily rent, extinguished the banks, for 3-5 years! Further, – murder will not hide – added new market participants, in very high demand and increased supply, prices for rental by the day fell. More precisely, they remained at the same level, but the rapidly growing cost per square meter of living space. Look at statistics for the years from 2000-2008. The cost of a 1-for. apartment: 2000doll. … 8000doll., 15000doll., So to 50000doll. And this is the price at the periphery of the country! While rents for an apartment with remontom- 150grn. .. 150 UAH 200 UAH … … Finally, 250UAH. Grown. 🙂 Is not it true, and there is something to compare ?!

But back to today’s realities. At present, the daily rental market can be described as: a stable, saturated, growing. What do these terms mean essentially?

Stability. Price for accommodation per day became adequate; ie, to reduce the cost per day is impossible, otherwise lose their business profitability, increase it too will not work, will not allow a healthy competition.

Saturation. No There are no secrets, market players weighed amount, no excess, and lack is not felt, in other words demand = supply. There is a trend towards globalization of the market, the replacement and acquisitions by large operators of rental apartments for rent (who is in trust management from ten to twenty apartments) small landlords (from one to five apartments).

Development. Simultaneously with the processes are also changing service patterns of market globalization: in mind the acute struggle for each client, developing services additional services such as transfers, flowers, leisure customers, extraordinary cleaning, washing of personal things, etc. Also, operators of apartment rent began to massively increase the level of service: bed linens replaced with cheap for quality, increased quality of cleaning in the apartments, raised the level of the culture of dialogue with clients. In this brief overview will be considered complete, and move on to the next part.

Business Description apartment rent. Take the real situation: you have to trust management 15 apartments (apartments for rent are taken you by the owner with the right to retake the subsequent rent or yours by right of ownership). Why 15? From my experience, this number is optimal, balanced figure, we can say, the threshold when your maintenance costs of these most apartments overlap received gross income. Using marketing techniques, you have successfully strengthened on the market of daily rent of apartments, you know the city, you have a constant flow of customers, your income is stable from month to month.Rent - Business for everyone You hired staff for cleaning and maintenance of apartments in order, registered themselves as a private businessman, regularly transferring money to the tax office and pension fund. With the help of existing accounting tools, website and record-keeping you properly organize your business daily rent. In this case, you will consistently earn a monthly net income of 500 – 3000 USD / month.. Follow the business of daily rent is necessary around the clock, but – you spent on work time will be only a few hours a day. You can draw an analogy with the car when you are driving, you are not thinking much about what’s inside the speedometer and briefly keep track of mileage limit, taking care not to exceed the limit for the road you value. It seems to follow the arrow constantly, but in fact, it does not bother you. Like this, in general, you’ll be able to think about your business by customizing it and putting on stream. Beautiful get the picture, is not it? Just now, we have examined how business can actually work, in my, your or any other city. Apartments for rent on the franchise – will allow you to achieve all alone, but already well-functioning and proven experience of the franchisor, scheme of work.

What resources and skills they need to know in order to do business “apartments for rent?” What he has prospects? What is a franchise business apartment rent? On that, read the following articles and reviews on our website, company”Arenda Group”


Author: Сикорский Т.А.

Published: April 19, 2016